
Meeting with the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Dr. Ramzi Khoury, Director General of the Palestinian National Fund and President  of the Higher Presidential Committee of Church Affairs in Palestine, met today with His Beatitude Nourhan Manougian, The Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Dr. Khoury conveyed the greetings of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas to His Beatitude, and discussed the challenges facing the Christian presence especially in the Holy Land and concerns about the Christian immigration and the policies required to preserve the Christian presence, including housing projects and the leading role of the Church in educating the future generations, especially in the light of the ferocious attacks  launched by the occupying government and its policies to Judaize the holy city.

His Beatitude expressed his gratitude to His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas for his unlimited support for the restoration of the Nativity Church and expressed the readiness of the Patriarchate to facilitate all that is important in accomplishing the restoration of the Church.

In conclusion Dr. Khoury stressed the importance of preserving the historical and legal status of the Holy Land .

In the meeting, Dr. Khoury was accompanied by His Excellency Ambassador Issa Kassissieh, Member of the Committee and Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Vatican.
