
The Higher Presidential Committee Of Church Affairs explore Jabal al-Baba “the Pope’s Mountain”.

His Excellency Dr. Ramzi Khoury, Director General of the Palestinian National Fund and President of the Higher Presidential Committee of Churches Affairs in Palestine, together with Monsignor Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio in Jerusalem, visited Jabal al-Baba, which is a small land in Al-Eizariya  owned by the Holy See.

On their visit they met with a number of residents living in the region, where they were briefed on the situation of the site and discussed on ways to develop the region by establishing a number of projects and future activities that serve the land and the community.

On the tour, they were accompanied by a number of public and religious figures, such as  Major General Bilal Al-Natsheh, Secretary General of the Popular National Conference For Jerusalem . Ambassador Issa Kassissieh, Ambassador of Palestine to the Vatican. General Manager of the Higher Presidential Committee of Church Affairs, Ambassador Amira Hanania. Father Ibrahim Faltas, Counselor of the Custody of the Holy Land. Mr.Essam Pharaon, the mayor of El-Eizariya. Mr. Jamal Basa and Sheikh Abu Musaab.
