
The Committee of Churches Affairs signs an agreement to renovate the mosaics adjacent to the Dormition of the Theotokos Church in the village of Aboud, Palestine.

The Higher Presidential Committee of Churches Affairs, represented by its General Manager, Ambassador Amira Hanania, signed an agreement with Mr.Yousef Ayoub, project director of Al-Imran Construction Company, to restore an archaeological Byzantine mosaic floorboard next to the Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church in the village of Aboud.

The Committee also signed an agreement with the Cultural Heritage Preservation Center represented by Mr. Essam Juha, to oversee the project, which the center had worked on all the designs and studies needed. It is worth noting that the mosaic floorboards date back to 332 AD.

This project comes within a series of important projects implemented by the committee and funded by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development in Kuwait. The committee considers it necessary to work on the restoration of archaeological sites, especially the neglected and forgotten ones, to revive the economy ofthese areas, when open to tourists especially in the Aboud area, which contains many archaeological siteswhich has a historical legacy for Christian Palestinians.
