PLO Executive Committee member and head of the higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine Dr. Ramzi Khouri urges leaders and heads of churches and Christian institutions globally to fulfill moral obligations to protect the Palestinian people and pressure the extremist Israeli government to end the genocide on the people of the Gaza Strip.
In a letter sent to churches and Christian institutions leaders, Dr. Khouri called upon them to hold Israel to account for this and its numerous war crimes and need to work urgently to end Israel’s unjustified war on the Palestinians for more than 75 years. He adds that Israel’s bombing of the Evangelical Episcopal Church-affiliated Al-Ahli Hospital (Baptist Hospital) that resulted in the loss of nearly 500 Palestinians, mostly children and women, who were being treated for wounds and taking shelter there, will not pass without accountability.
Calling for more than solidarity, Dr. Khouri also says immediate and serious action from the International Community is a necessity to terminate the deadly Palestinian plight, which enters its 75th year.
The government of Israel is only interested in feeding its occupation and Dr. Khouri insists world silence will lead to more atrocities and yield to an unstable Middle East region.
Dr. Khouri believes the Israeli colonial regime only acts to destroy the establishment of a Palestinian state and wishes to end the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people of freedom and self-determination. In short, Israel’s racist, right-wing government does not want peace and acts above the law.