
President Abbas congratulates Pope Francis on Feast of Resurrection

President Mahmoud Abbas sent a telegram congratulating the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis, on the occasion of the glorious Feast of the Resurrection according to the Western calendar.

“On the occasion of the glorious Feast of Resurrection, I would like to send my most heartfelt congratulations to Your Holiness and to all believers celebrating it around the world, as this holy occasion coincides with the holy month of Ramadan, and many of the earth’s inhabitants share the joy of these two religious occasions,” the President said.

As for Palestine, which embraces believing men and women, President Abbas said they are united by love, tolerance and respect for others regardless of their differences, beliefs and culture.

While the children of Palestine await the Easter of Resurrection, he said, a bloody Israeli aggression that extends into the sixth month awaits them, destroys their souls and homes and does not leave the Palestinian children unless they are killed, amputated, wounded or orphaned.

He added that the aggression leaves families, including women, men, the elderly, and children, without shelter and suffering from famine, epidemics and diseases.

“But God’s mercy keeps hope alive, and when our oppressed people see the calls of His Holiness Pope Francis over and over again to stop this brutal war and turn to peace and justice, as well as the positions of people like you who are conscientious and believe in God, justice and truth, they are filled with hope that they will achieve their rights,” President Abbas said.

The President said the scourge of the occupation, its war and aggression would end and everyone would live in security, peace, freedom and dignity on the land of the independent Palestinian state along the 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
