
Dr. Khouri Meets Priests and Representatives of Churches and Orthodox Associations in Beit Jala

Member of the PLO Executive Committee and Head of the Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine, Dr. Ramzi Khouri, met with priests, and representatives of Churches and Orthodox associations in Beit Jala, near Bethlehem. Dr. Khouri was accompanied by Jihad Khair, a member of the Higher Presidential Committee of Church Affairs in Palestine, and Raed Hanania, director of public relations and media at the committee.

At the beginning of the meeting, Khouri briefed the attendees of the latest political developments in Palestine, particularly Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza, and the escalation of violence and attacks perpetrated by Israeli settler gangs in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

He commended the pivotal role played by national and charitable Orthodox institutions and associations in Beit Jala, particularly in nurturing the resilience of younger generations in Palestine through a spectrum of education, scouting, and sporting activities, as well as providing essential service for the elderly.

Highlighting the imperative of ongoing collaboration between the Committee and these associations, Khouri stressed the importance of concerted efforts and unity in addressing the myriad challenges facing the Palestinian people. This collective endeavor, he emphasized, is pivotal in realizing the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

In attendance were representatives from the Orthodox churches in Beit Jala, members of the Parish Council of the Church of Virgin Mary, the Arab Orthodox Benevolent Society, the Orthodox Association of Cooperative Housing, the Arab Orthodox Sports Club, St. Nicholas Home for the Elderly, and representatives of the Beit Jala Orthodox Scout Group.
