
The Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs: “Cardinal Battista’s Visit to Gaza: A Call for World Leaders to Partner in Ending the War and Achieving Just Peace”

The Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine has highlighted the visit of His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, to the Gaza Strip amidst the unfolding genocide. This visit serves as a powerful message to world leaders, urging them to act and end the war and achieve a just peace that fulfills the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Member of the PLO Executive Committee and Head of the Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine, Dr. Ramzi Khouri, underscored the significance and impact on the Palestinian people. He particularly noted its importance for those displaced Palestinians, who have sought refuge in Churches since the onset of Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Khouri called on Church leaders worldwide to pray for the Palestinian people, advocate for a ceasefire, and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid.

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