
A support Letter to the Presbyterian Church

To Our Brothers and Sisters of the Presbyterian Church,

On behalf of all Christians in Palestine, we wish to extend our warmest gratitude and solidarity for your decision to divest from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard, and Motorola Solutions, three companies that profit from Israel’s illegal military occupation.

Your resolution on this matter is thoughtful, thorough, and well-reasoned, born of many deep discussions and debates with your constituencies and with the companies themselves.

The Presbyterian step toward divestment is a genuine example of values translated into action. Your courageous resolution —and we know how much courage it has called for— truly demonstrates your commitment to peace with justice.

When politics fail, ethics must prevail.  Churches around the world are in a crucial position to continue championing ethical positions. The Presbyterian divestment resolution is a wonderful model for other churches to adopt the costly discipleship of taking a strong stance for justice, by holding politicians accountable for their failure to ground their decisions in moral principles, and acting in defense of human rights in the most concrete possible ways.

At a time when our country is confronting new challenges and experiencing excessive suffering, we hope that other churches will follow your example of non-violent resistance to end an occupation that dehumanizes both oppressed and oppressor.  We call upon you and other churches to continue raising a prophetic voice in order to protect the lives of all children, victims of injustice and vengeance.

In the meantime, we offer, as Kairos Palestine and the National Coalition of Christian Organizations, our deepest respect, gratitude and support for your wise step to divest, confident that together, we will walk along the path of a just peace.

 In faith and solidarity,
