
Attempts by Israeli Jewish Settlers to forcibly seize the Armenian Patriarchates property in Jerusalem, after Patriarch Manougian’s retreat from the Controversial Goveroun Bardez (Cows Garden) Deal

The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem announced the cancellation of the lease of Goveroun Bardez, also known as Cows Garden. On October 29, 2023, the Patriarchate formally submitted a unilateral request to the Israeli courts, notifying them of the cancellation of the agreement signed with Australian businessman Danny Rothman.

The agreement had entailed the leasing of 25% of the Armenian Quarter, specifically the area known as Goveroun Bardez (Cows Garden), for the construction of a luxury hotel. This area holds strategic significance for Israeli occupation authorities and extremist settlers, due to its close proximity to the Buraq Wall of the Al Aqsa Mosque Compound.

After mounting pressure from the local Armenian community and weekly protests and uproar, the Patriarchate has finally taken steps to retract from the controversial deal. Furthermore, the Armenian Patriarch Nourhan Manougian has defrocked Baret Yeretsian, the central figure responsible for the deal.

Armenians in Jerusalem have been subject to various forms of hostility by Israeli extremist settlers, ranging from death threats to physical altercations. Additionally, Armenians have been denied access to the parking lot in the Armenian Quarter, forcing them to park their vehicles outside the walls of the Old City

Nonetheless, Armenians remain resolute in their rejection of Israeli attempts aimed at targeting the Armenian presence, which is deeply rooted in Jerusalem. They persist in defending their properties and their Armenian identity, which is an integral part of Jerusalem.
