Committee Press ReleasesPress Release

The Higher Presidential Committee for Churches Affairs in Palestine: Israeli Occupation Has Turned Eid al-Fitr in Palestine Into a Somber Occasion Instead of Celebration of Joy and Peace

The Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine stated that the Israeli occupation has turned the occasion of Eid al-Fitr in Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip, into a time marked by sorrow and anguish. It has robbed our people of the customary joy, happiness, and tranquility of this special occasion, and turned the lives of the Palestinian people into a living hell. Yet, all of this is met with deafening silence from global powers that have seemingly abandoned their principles of humanity.

On this occasion, the Committee expressed its hopes for the Palestinian people to attain their held-long aspirations for freedom and independence, and for the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza, who continue to endure the horrors of genocide and starvation to stop. Additionally, for the injustices that have been inflicted upon the Palestinian people, including killings, mass arrests, intimidation, persecution, and Judaization of Jerusalem to come to an end.

Throughout its prolonged campaigns of terror in Palestine, the Israeli occupation has deliberately repressed and disrupted both Muslim and Christian religious holidays. It has denied Muslim worshippers access to Al-Aqsa Mosque for prayer and prevented Palestinian Christians from reaching Jerusalem to celebrate Easter. These violations persist unabated, while the international remains silent, failing to hold the oppressor to account,

The Committee asks God Almighty to safeguard our people wherever they may be, wishing mercy for the martyrs, swift healing for the wounded, and freedom for our prisoners. Furthermore, the Committee wishes for the Palestinian people to live freely in their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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