Other Press ReleasesPress Release

Statement from the Global Consultation on Genocides: Where is Justice and Hope for Recovery?

A global consultation was held in Namibia, jointly organized by the Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN), the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), the Council for World Mission (CWM), and the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). This consultation brought together church leaders, ecumenical organizations, traditional authorities, academics, human rights activists, and, most importantly, victims and survivors of genocide. The meeting focused on addressing deep-rooted issues related to genocide, with a particular emphasis on historical crimes.

Namibia was chosen as the location for this consultation due to its history as the site of the first genocide of the 20th century in 1904. The consultation condemned the selective use of the crime of genocide to advance geopolitical agendas, emphasizing that “never again” should mean “never again for any people,” not just “never again for my people.”

Participants expressed profound concern over the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands and the injury of many more, amid the complicity of imperial powers. They also condemned the international community’s neglect of other genocides taking place in the world.

The attendees underscored the need for churches and other religions to stand in solidarity with “crucified” peoples who suffer under imperial systems that impose harsh conditions of famine, economic exploitation, and genocide.

The final statement called on churches to commit to supporting the resistance of these peoples and to work towards dismantling the unjust global system that produces these atrocities.

In conclusion, the participants called on the international community and faith-based peoples, particularly churches, to urgently act to support oppressed peoples and to demand justice and reparations, emphasizing the need to recognize ongoing genocides and to work towards preventing future ones.
